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EOY Function - Secure your tickets, tickets now available for purchase

The Tickets for the End of Year function are now available for purchase! Lunchtime Picnic (catered) with HSV member car display, Including museum entr...
Peter Brock Memorial Cruise. Photo by NSK

2023 - September- Social

Well, it’s been a busy few days. As I write this quarterly report, we’re coming off the back of a long weekend of events for the Club and a big weekend o...

Watergate Bay Sprint - Cornish Motorsport! by Jamie Gilbert

As some of you might have known, I did a quick 8-day trip to the UK, as a bonus there was a local Motorsport event on, I was made aware of this event by ...
Travis' VF Clubsport at Cars & Burgers in July - Image by Summer Jacobs

2023 - August - Social

Well just like that, winter is nearly done! This month has been quiet on a social front, but there's a lot happening in the coming weeks. Firstly, we ...

2023 - July - Social

Happy July! Later this week we are hosting our first Cars and Burgers at RoyAL's Burgers in Wembley. If you haven't registered yet, you can through the e...

2023 - June - Social

Time for the real June update, after the pretend June we had last month, We cancelled the Laser Tag event due to lack of interest, but ran a HSV Cars and...

2023 - May - Social

Well, end of financial year is here, and what usually is personally the busiest part of the year for my family, with a large number of family members bir...

2023 - April - Social

The recent HSVOCWA 4WD day to Ledge was a success! We ended up with 10 4WDs in our convoy, including a single Holden. A lovely v8 Adventurer tagged along...

2023 - March - Social

Well, just like that, Summer has come and gone. Not only does it mark the end of the warm weather in Perth, but also, I return to work towards the end of...

2023 - February - Social

Well, Summer has come to an end, and we marked the occassion last weekend with the End of Summer Cruise. It was a well attended event, with 25 cars showi...



 1300 HDT HSV (438 478)

HSV Owners Club of WA Inc. PO Box 05, Welshpool, WA, 6986