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2023 - February - Social

Well, Summer has come to an end, and we marked the occassion last weekend with the End of Summer Cruise. It was a well attended event, with 25 cars showing up, including a VL Group A SS, a Coupe4 and a VR Clubsport, as well as the usual crowd, for whom I am grateful for their attendance each and every event. You know who you are. Saying that, it is great to see some new faces at these events, so please, come on down. Even if you don't want to drive on the cruise, come to the meet point, bring your HSV for a drive out in the sun and show it off. The more, the merrier!















Our next event is the Perth Classic Car Show on the 26th of March. It is the sanctioned car show event for the club this year, with no GM Owners Day scheduled this year. So far we have approximately 19 cars registered. We have been set asside a spot for 25 cars, so we are looking for a few more cars. An email went out earlier in the year calling for members to register, and a reminder has been sent out in the last day or so. If you are keen to join, please get in touch and register. Spaces are limited!

Next month we will have another Cool Cars and Coffee event (destination TBA) and then we have our first 4wd for a few years! I've got some planning to do for that one, but if you have any suggestions, I welcome them!

I hope to see you at some of the upcoming events!



 1300 HDT HSV (438 478)

HSV Owners Club of WA Inc. PO Box 05, Welshpool, WA, 6986