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Change to Committee

Change to Committee

On behalf of the Committee, we would like to thank Trevor James for his assistance and for stepping up at our last AGM to take on the Presidents role and drive this club forward over the last 6 months. With his notice to move on and take up an awesome work/ life opportunity on a different shore, the Committee have discussed and determined that Jason Brotherson will take on the role as the President and Jamie Gilbert will take on the Vice Presidents role and also continue as the Memberships officer.
It is ‘business as usual for the Committee with a full calendar of events coming up to suit all members, keep an eye out and don’t forget to register your attendance and big thanks in advance to all members who are planning on attending.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Committee@hsvownersclubofwa.com.au anytime and a reminder to look out in your emails and checkout online our new Blog features providing you up-to-date information on club events and the latest news.
You can view the Committee by clicking here.



 1300 HDT HSV (438 478)

HSV Owners Club of WA Inc. PO Box 05, Welshpool, WA, 6986